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Lynchburg Letter: William Gayner to W. H. Loyd

February 8, 1926

Mr. Gayner talks about some of his property left at Lynchburg and tells Mr. Loyd of his own attempts to interest people in the plant. Original was scanned and converted to text by Dennis Bratcher. A scan of the original letter is below.

[Gayner Glass Works letterhead]




My Dear Mr. Loyd:

Thanks for circular and statement.

There are a few gages [sic] & templates that belong to me personally but they would be hard for you to gather together like the test screw with (J.W.G.) cut on the handle. Mr Clinebell has this. The rest is distributed around the machine shop also a set of drawers in the office rear of the packing house which had my blue prints, but I had to remove the blue prints & catalogues up stairs as the mice was eating them up.

Please take care of my blue prints & catalogs, card index of same, these are all upstairs.

I have talked the Lynchburg Glass plant over with some parties that if they took hold of it, there would be no question of them making it a success.

But they was [sic] not interested in it, as tied up as it is now. After the sale when the owner is diffinately [sic] & they want to sell it & name the price, I will try them again[.]

I met Mr. Stafford the Western Electric Inspector last Tuesday in Philadelphia & he said if we had kept on for two months, we would have iron [sic] out all our troubles, that the

[page 2]lot they received gave good satisfaction[.]

What report did you receive from the Western Electric Co? I hope some one buy's it Thursday, so that you and Mr Eller may have a chance with some good factory manager to retrieve your loss and have a good position. When you write let me know all about the sale.

I am working on the blowing machines as I want to keep in touch with the bottle blowing machinery & make a living[.] I have an offer to manage a concern far away from home. Mrs Gayner is not well but if she improves I will take it[.]

With kind regards I beg to remain

Yours Very Truly,

J William Gayner

letter p1

letter p2